Electrical Safety Month

3 Tips To Ensure Electrical Safety

Electrical safety is now more critical than ever. With so many devices available, it is easy to forget the basics of over-plugging. Understanding how to use a home’s electrical system properly can help prevent electrical accidents and outages. 

Unplug for Safetyoutlet

The phrase “unplugging” usually refers to the over-reliance on the internet, but in this case, “unplugging” means unplugging cords to create a safer home environment. Excessive cords are a common electrical problem. Phone chargers, laptop cords, and ebooks are frequently charged simultaneously. Once surge protectors are added to the mix, this can increase the chances of starting a fire

Not all electrical appliances use the same amount of power. An electric toothbrush, for instance, is not going to use the same amount of energy as a laptop cable. Outlets with multiple plugs requiring high power can quickly overload the system. Balancing out electrical outlets with low and high-power gadgets can decrease the danger.

Unplugging is not always an option in every house. For homes with few electrical outlets, this may mean several appliances are attached to one outlet via a surge protector. While surge protectors are not necessarily dangerous, loading them up with plugs is never good. Leaving at least two plugs empty is recommended.

Before leaving a room, unplug any fully charged devices still using an outlet. This is especially helpful in older houses that have two-pronged outlets. Homeowners who unplug appliances when not in use will reduce the likelihood of an electrical accident while saving energy. Outlet repair is available for both new and old switches. 

wattagesPay Attention To the Wattage

Electrical power is measured in wattages. A single watts unit has a very low electrical flow, whereas 750 watts could potentially run a microwave. Regardless of how many watts an appliance has, it will still require a plug and outlet.

The correct wattage is a measurement used for electrical safety. If an appliance is running at maximum watts, this can increase the chances of a fire or electrical storm. Overloading an outlet with high-powered devices is risky in any room of the house.

Lamps and overhead light fixtures have a recommended wattage for the energy a wire can run. Most light fixtures handle 60 watts, but 100 watts may be necessary for complex lamps. A high wattage bulb may heat one of the sockets and increase the likelihood of melting wires. Since wattage has increased over time, many new outlets can handle more wattage. 

Before plugging high-wattage appliances into new or old outlets, checking the light label can help. If the wattage exceeds 60 watts, do not leave the light running overnight. In houses that still use two-pronged outlets, using over 60 watts can be hazardous even for a short period. 

High wattage lamps can cause wires to melt or spark. If a spark occurs, it is usually at the wire section closest to the wall. It can also spark if the lamp cord has a torn patch with exposed wire. This can easily lead to a fire if sparks occur, especially if nearby curtains or rugs. 

Never DIY

DIY handiwork is a common way to fix household problems without spending money on a technician. While this may be possible for certain projects, electrical issues are serious and potentially dangerous, so they should only be handled by a professional electrician. Electrical hazards are commonplace in both household and commercial DIY projects.

All electrical problems are not solved using the same techniques and involve in-depth knowledge about voltage, current, wattages, etc. Without the right skills, it is easy to make a mistake. The risk of injury is high for those who are not professionally trained. Shock, fire, and electrocution are all potential dangers with electrical wiring. One electrical shortage and the risk of a house fire is greatly increased.

Electrical Warning Signs

Electrical shocks can occur when rubbing socks against a carpet in the winter. The static electricity created from friction will make a tiny zap that is small and expected, but electrical shocks that frequently happen during the warmer months may indicate a problem.

Feeling a shock when touching an appliance is a warning sign because a ground fault within the device is malfunctioning. Due to improper wiring, these shocks are not supposed to occur during any season. 

Hot ceiling fixtures are another sign. Check the electricity around ceiling lights by feeling for warmth. Ceilings that are not well-insulated will overheat and may be considered a fire hazard. Switching to compact fluorescent lights can help solve this issue. 

Flickering lights are often a sign of faulty light fixtures, but if the bulb has been changed and the light continues to flicker, an electrician should be called right away. This may indicate that the connections within the electrical wiring are loose. 

Unusual smells can come from electrical systems that are no longer working properly. A burning odor is common for overloaded outlets. The electrical panel should be completely turned off if an outlet smells like smoke. It is not safe to continue using this switch until an electrician has had a chance to examine it. Burning smells can also be a sign of an electrical fire.

Trustworthy Electric 

Trustworthy Electric has provided its neighbors in Montgomery, AL, and the surrounding areas with trusted solutions to all their electrical problems since 1994. Trustworthy Electric offers same-day service, upfront pricing, and a rewarding membership plan. Call them today for electrical services in Montgomery, AL.

Three Signs of Electrical Panel Repair (and Other Important Tips)

How To Tell if the Home’s Electrical Panel Needs Servicing 

There are countless signs that an electrical panel needs servicing by a professional. While homeowners may be tempted to brush off these signs, the electrical panel could pose a safety hazard if left ignored. Even a small spark could turn into an electrical fire. 

Thankfully, there are three main ways a homeowner can tell if their electrical panel needs servicing. This includes flickering lights, burning smells from the panel, and learning the electrical panel’s age.  

The Home’s Lights Are Flickering 

If someone notices that lights are flickering, they should first try replacing the bulb. If this doesn’t work, they should consider reaching out to a professional. A faulty electrical panel might cause lights to flicker because: 

  • There are loose connections inside the panel: This requires more than just finding the loose connection and tightening it. It means cutting off power to the home and assessing the situation. One may need to replace the connector itself if it’s too old. 
  • A faulty fuse: A fuse might need replacing if the lights in the home are flickering or take too long to turn on. 
  • Oxidation or rust: Electrical panels in older homes will inevitably experience some wear and tear. This could manifest as rusted wires, oxidation, or corrosion-–all of which can interrupt the flow of electricity.

A severe problem might warrant electrical panel replacement. If a replacement is recommended, it shouldn't be put off because doing so could put the home and residents’ safety at risk. 


Burning Smells Coming from the Electrical Panel 

Each wire in an electrical panel is insulated with rubber or another substance, preventing electricity from escaping the wire and causing fires. However, if a wire gets too hot, this could cause the insulation to melt and create a foul-smelling odor. 

Burnt smells can also come from the electrical panel’s breaker. In either case, this requires immediate attention. Excessive heat could damage the electrical system and pose the risk of electrical fires. 

The Electrical Panel Is Old (or Original to an Old Property) 

panelElectrical panels don’t last forever. They generally can last 25 to 40 years with the appropriate conditions and maintenance. Sometimes, an electrical panel won’t last 25 years if it endures above-average wear and tear, which may include: 
  • Frequent power surges 
  • Constantly blown fuses
  • Wires with chronically burnt insulation 
  • Severe weather conditions, such as hurricanes or blizzards
  • Water damage 

Electrical panels can also suffer physical damage if not maintained properly. For instance, if an electrical panel is located in the garage and a ladder falls on top of it, this could cause serious damage. A trained professional can replace electrical panels and recommend measures to ensure the new one lasts for many years to come. 

About Trustworthy Electric

Trustworthy Electric has provided their neighbors in Montgomery, AL, with expert electrical services since 1994. They offer upfront pricing, on-time service, and military discounts. They also have a problem solver guarantee that they will fix the problem that same day or you don’t pay. Call them today for electrical services in Montgomery, AL.

Beware These Three Common Electrical Hazards

Watch Out for These Common Electrical Hazards

Almost all homeowners and their families rely on their electrical systems nearly every day. As such, it would seem to make sense that they should have a basic understanding of potential safety hazards to look out for, but many do not, which can be a real danger. There are a number of potential dangers that can arise, especially due to the intricacies of home electrical systems.

Not only will having this knowledge allow homeowners to ensure the safety of themselves and their families, but it will also allow homeowners to avoid potentially costly electrical mishaps. The three main hazards that homeowners need to watch out for are overloaded power strips, old or faulty wiring, and mismatched lightbulbs. Continue reading for a thorough overview of each.

Overloaded Power Stripsstrips

Overloaded power strips can wreak havoc on electrical systems. What does this even mean, in the first place? Well, overloaded power strips are just as they sound - power strips that have too much stress put on them. Think of this as having a basic power strip with five different appliances plugged into it, each of which demands a high amount of electricity.

This can put excess strain on the strip and lead to hazardous malfunctions. For one, the probability of fire goes way up when a power strip is overloaded, which of course, will put homeowners and their families in danger. Even if a fire doesn’t start, the energy can lead to overheating that may melt any plastic on or around thr power strip. Neither of these outcomes is ideal or safe, so homeowners should avoid putting too much stress on any single power strip.

Old or Faulty Wiring

Electrical wiring is another potentially problematic area. Electrical systems consist of intricate wiring that facilitates the movement of electricity. It is of utmost importance that this wiring is properly working and as up-to-date as possible. Since most homes use electricity nearly every day, these wires are constantly working, so they can endure wear and tear.

Over time, there may be issues with the wiring insulation, pieces of wiring can get out of place, and there can be any number of other issues (let alone the possibility of faulty wiring in the first place). When these things happen, they create a real fire hazard as heat may not be properly under control. Melting can also occur, as was the case with overloaded power strips. The best way homeowners can avoid this is to have periodic professional electricians inspect their systems for any potential abnormalities.

Mismatched Lightbulbslightbulb

Mismatched lightbulbs are another hazard that may result when the wattage does not align with the bulb. The wattage and bulbs should align to ensure proper functioning - otherwise, there can be significant overheating that may put homeowners and their families at risk.

Similar to the two prior hazards described, mismatched lightbulbs can lead to melting and/or fires, neither of which homeowners probably want! The best way to avoid this is to check that the wattage aligns and, in the event of any uncertainty, for homeowners to seek the help of electrical professionals.

About Trustworthy Electric

Trustworthy Electric of Montgomery, AL has been providing quality electrical services since 1994. Founded upon the basic principle of trust, their team of skilled electricians believes in providing courteous, professional, expert services at affordable prices. Call them today for electrical help in Montgomery, AL!

Electricity 101: Electrical Knowledge To Take Back to School

Learning the Basics

It’s that time of year again—time for kids to head back to school. With the school year being interrupted over the last couple of years, kids and parents alike are looking forward to it. To celebrate the occasion, local Montgomery electricians are here to help! As a homeowner, there is no excuse to be left in the dark about the electricity in a home. Knowing more about this important utility empowers homeowners to make smarter decisions regarding upgrading or expanding their electrical service. Here is a quick primer on a few things to help homeowners understand more about their homes. 

Electrical Outlets and Switchesoutlet

Electrical outlets and switches are likely the most used part of any home’s electrical system. Both are served by wiring that carries electricity around the house. Over time, problems can arise with these components that can lead to unsafe situations or routine repairs. 

Light switches are often the first electrical components that need to be replaced. Normally switches will last for many years, but switches in high-traffic areas can get flipped many times a day, leading to early failure. Switches that feel loose when they actuate or make humming noises should be replaced soon. 

Outlets or receptacles often have problems that require attention. With repeated usage, the internal parts of an outlet can wear out and fail to firmly grip plugs that are inserted. Replacement is the only option, but it can be done quickly and cheaply. 

Exterior Lighting and Electrical Fixtures

Electrical fixtures aren’t just limited to inside a home. As it turns out, there are a lot of great reasons to have electricity outside, too. When electrical installations are located outside, they must deal with a harsher environment. Water is a common presence outside, so electricians must use their training and take precautions to keep electrical fixtures safe. Some common outdoor electrical installations are: 

  • Pool Wiring: Pool motors and underwater lighting must be professionally installed to keep everyone safe. Water and electricity don’t mix, but with professional installation, everyone will stay safe. 
  • Outdoor Lighting: Landscape lighting is important to keeping homes looking beautiful. Electricians can recommend and safely install outdoor lighting that can handle even the harshest environments. 
  • Outlets: Outdoor outlets are a must-have in any yard. Outdoor outlets must be properly covered to prevent rain from entering. They also must be GFCI devices for safety according to the national electrical code.

Always Use Licensed Electriciansprofessional

Most homeowners can perform basic tasks like changing AC filters or plunging a toilet. But, dealing with electricity should always be done by a professional. When other utilities in the house fail, there isn’t as big of a hazard as when there are problems with electricity. Amateur installations routinely cause fires and electrocutions because people tried to save money by doing their own electrical work. Not only is this illegal, doing so can void warranties and insurance as well as placing people in danger. 

Working with qualified electricians not only keeps homes safe, but it can also be affordable and easy. Every homeowner should have a go-to electrician to handle any problems. Establishing a relationship with qualified electricians can keep money in the homeowner's pockets and ensure that the home stays safe. 

About Trustworthy Electric

Trustworthy Electric has served Montgomery, AL for over 25 years. As a family-owned and operated business, they bring a personal touch to every job they do. Their licensed, bonded, and insured technicians are ready to handle anything from outdoor lighting installations to electrical troubleshooting.

May Is Electrical Safety Month!

Now Is the Perfect Time To Brush Up On Electrical Safety

It may or may not come as a surprise, but the month of May is electrical safety month. It is easy for homeowners to take advantage of efficiently working indoor electrical systems because they most likely have never known a life without one. Because of this, a majority of people have become increasingly more relaxed about their electrical safety within the home. There are far more electrical safety devices today than there were in the beginning days of indoor electricity, but that doesn’t necessarily make it safer. If there is an electrical problem, it is still just as important to call a professional the moment something occurs. 

Electrical problems can get out of hand rather quickly, so it is always best to have a professional on their way before that happens. Continue reading to learn more about electrical safety. 

Electrical Safety Devices Every Homeowner Should Have

The main problem that electrical systems experience in today’s world is being overloaded. So many people want to plug numerous things in at once, and if the electrical system isn’t build to pull that much power at once, problems ensue. There are four standard electrical safety devices. All of these devices provide their version of a sort of surge protection. Essentially, if anything happens to the electrical system unexpectedly, these devices will ensure the outlet and the electronics don’t become overloaded with electricity. 

In turn, this has significantly decreased the risk of an electrical fire in the home. It also has, of course, saved a lot of electronics in the process. 

Here are the four primary electrical safety devices: 

  • Fuses
  • Circuit breaker
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI)
  • Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCI)

The Common Warning Signs of An Overloaded Electrical System

overloadedThere are many warning signs that may present themselves if an electrical system is experiencing an overload. This can happen for a number of reasons. If there is a storm outside, it could cause a surge in the system. Surges also happen as a result of using too many electrical devices at once can also cause a system overload. 

Here are some common warning signs of an overloaded electrical system:

  • Dimming or flickering lights
  • Fuses that get tripped frequently 
  • A burning smell
  • Hot receptacles 
  • Crackly coming from the receptacles 

The moment there is an inkling of an electrical problem, it is crucial that homeowners call in a professional right away. Electrical problems are nothing to mess with as a neglected problem could quickly lead to a dangerous situation. 

What Is Surge Protection and Why Is It Important?


Surge protectors are one of the best things homeowners can buy to save their electronics’ lives. Sometimes surprises happen, and homeowners don’t want their electronics to suffer from it when they do. A surge protector essentially protects the electronic from being affected by a sudden surge of energy throughout the system. 

This can sometimes happen due to a storm but can also occur by accident, sent straight from the electrical company. Old wiring can also be the culprit of this. That said, surge protectors are easy to come by nowadays. A power strip is a prime example of a surge protector. Investing in a few of these can potentially save homeowners thousands in broken electronics. 

Customers Love Trustworthy Electric Inc. 

There is no time to wait when electrical problems occur. The professionals at Trustworthy Electric Inc. understand this. That is why they always respond fast and efficiently to their Montgomery, AL residents. They work hard to ensure their customers are always safe and happy. Call today to learn more about their home safety services in Montgomery, AL!